Academic Writing Practice

As November and the possibility of participating in #AcWriMo approaches I’ve been reflecting on my writing practice.  A couple of years ago I participated in NaNoWriMo and was diligent about writing every day.  I didn’t meet the 50,000 word count but I came pretty close. The year prior to that I participated in #AcWriMo and blogged at minimum three times a week.  Last year I took a break and wrote sporadically without any concrete goals.

Since September I’ve been making a commitment to myself to spend at minimum two hours a week on academic writing. Some weeks I write more than that and some weeks I struggle to find the time to string together a few sentences.  I have managed to get a start a paper I’ve been neglecting and wrap up a few other small writing projects.

I still find that early morning is the best time for me to write.  I am more focused, motivated, and enthusiastic about writing in the morning.  However I am finding it increasingly difficult to squeeze that writing time in first thing.  Scheduling it into my calendar like a meeting does help.  As does having finite projects and smaller writing goals.

What does your writing practice look like?  How do you make sure you have time to write?

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