Shifting Priorities and Heritage Relevancy

The May/June issue of Muse included a number of short pieces focusing on relevancy, visitor engagement, and doing more with less resources.  A short International Council of Museums (ICOM) writeup by Mannon Blanchette hit the issue squarely on the head by noting,"In the face of constant and rapid transformations, museums are trying to meet the … Continue reading Shifting Priorities and Heritage Relevancy

Collection Glimpse: The Manitoba Museum

This is the sixth segment in a series of posts entitled, "Collection Glimpses."  Each post in the series  focuses on a unique collection, innovative repository, or a not well known cultural heritage institution. The Manitoba Museum is the largest heritage and science centre in Manitoba.  Founder in 1965, the Museum's collections highlight the heritage of the … Continue reading Collection Glimpse: The Manitoba Museum

Closed Stacks, Open Shutters

The Closed Stacks, Open Shutters: An Archivist Photobook became available today. The book initially started off as an idea for a sexy archivist calendar and is the result of a call for “sexy archivist” pictures and on Twitter.All proceeds raised by the sales of the Photobook go towards next years Spontaneous Scholarships fund which helps … Continue reading Closed Stacks, Open Shutters

Seasonal Exhibits: Holiday Heritage

It's that time of year, Christmas merchandise has already started to fill the malls, and the beginning of the commercial holiday season is looming ever closer.  In the heritage field a lot of organizations are beginning to plan and develop exhibits and activities that coincide with the upcoming holidays.  As a child, one of my … Continue reading Seasonal Exhibits: Holiday Heritage

Built Heritage: Round Barns

There are reportedly only three 12-sided round barns in Canada. Two of which happen to be located not far from where I'm currently living. One is found just outside of Thessalon, Ontario is currently being used as a gift shop. This building was built in 1928 by local resident Alex Campbell, Jr.. The barn's roof … Continue reading Built Heritage: Round Barns