Canada’s Farming Roots: Agricultural Fairs and Education

My latest post can be seen over at Active History.  The post focuses on Canada's farmings roots and looks at the history of community agricultural fairs and large farming events such as the International Plowing Match.  I look at the importance of these events in creating communities and in educating both farmers and the general … Continue reading Canada’s Farming Roots: Agricultural Fairs and Education

Fresh, Local, and Financially Sound: Community Supported Agriculture in Canada

My latest post on the rise and history of Community Supported Agriculture in Canada can be seen over on  The post examines Canada's history of community based agricultural efforts, including community gardens and agricultural co-operatives.  Special thanks to my friend and colleague Tracy who operates the Be True Farm and was the partial inspiration … Continue reading Fresh, Local, and Financially Sound: Community Supported Agriculture in Canada

Conceptualizing Rural History

Last week a co-worker who is currently reading up on the history of her city asked me if I had ever been interested in the town history of where I grew up.  This simple question had me stumped.  The majority of my life I have lived outside of town, and didn't readily identify with a … Continue reading Conceptualizing Rural History