OER and Exploring Pressbooks

I recently starting working with Pressbooks as a way to develop an Open Educational Resource (OER) about residential schools and the history of the Shingwauk Indian Residential School in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. For folks not familiar will Pressbooks, it is a publishing platform that you easily create ebook and print-ready files for printing physical … Continue reading OER and Exploring Pressbooks

Oral History and Documentation Sharing

Earlier this week, Canada's History Society hosted an oral history webinar with Alexander Freund.  The webinar focused on the basics behind oral history, planning and implementation of oral history, and general best practices for oral history projects.  The webinar was recorded and can be viewed online. The webinar provided a good starting point for those with … Continue reading Oral History and Documentation Sharing

Continuing Education: Online Learning and Records Management

Kayla Jonas Galvin over at Adventures in Heritage recently wrote a great post about attending school while working full time.  Her post highlights a few tips which she has used to help her juggle education and work.  Kayla's post got me thinking about how I am going to approach a continuing education course that I … Continue reading Continuing Education: Online Learning and Records Management