December #builtheritage chat

This month's #builtheritage twitter chat focused on preservation and the holidays.  There was an abundance of good festive promotion ideas,  examples of seasonal events, and First portion of the chat focused on the question, How can you use the holidays to promote your historic site? Some of the proposed activities included:Displaying old holiday photos on … Continue reading December #builtheritage chat

November Built Heritage Chat Summary

This month's #builtheritage chat topic was the integration of food and heritage.  Prior to the chat actually starting @lloydalter posted a great link to food posters from the past.  The slide show is well worth a look if you're interested in the evolution of commercialism, food history, or just need a laugh.The first portion of … Continue reading November Built Heritage Chat Summary

Built Heritage Chat: Preservation Jobs

Today was the #builtheritage chat for May which focused on preservation jobs and employment within the preservation field. The chat was moderated by @jonaskayla, @PresConf, @PresNation, and @PreservationJob. A complete transcript of the chat is available here. The first question of the chat was What’s more critical to a successful preservation career – degrees or … Continue reading Built Heritage Chat: Preservation Jobs

Built Heritage Chat on Sustainability

Today was the second #builtheritage chat. This month's chat focused on sustainability. The majority of the chat focused on the links between sustainability in the heritage field and the environmental movement. A complete transcript is available here.The first portion of the chat focused on the question What do the heritage #preservation and the environmental movements … Continue reading Built Heritage Chat on Sustainability

Built Heritage Twitter Chat

The first built heritage twitter chat took place earlier today. The chat focused on adaptive reuse and was moderated by @jonaskayla, @presconf and @presnation. The chat was well organized and included a number of interesting questions and examples were brought up. The #builtheritage chat is currently slated to run on the first Wednesday of the … Continue reading Built Heritage Twitter Chat

Healing and restoration

December 19th's #reverb10 prompt was:Healing. What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011?This prompt brought to mind heritage restoration and the 'healing' of heritage buildings. Ideally, heritage preservation comes prior to extreme restoration efforts. Depending on the state of the building, heritage … Continue reading Healing and restoration

Intergration through tradition

Today's #reverb10 prompt was: Body integration. This year, when did you feel the most integrated with your body? Did you have a moment where there wasn't mind and body, but simply a cohesive YOU, alive and present?The moments this year where I have felt the most integrated have occurred since I started my new job. … Continue reading Intergration through tradition

Letting go of built heritage

The December 5th #reverb10 prompt is: Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?A number of Ontario communities let go of valuable built heritage this year. Old buildings have been damaged by neglect, torn down by cities, or 'renovated' in the name of modernization. Earlier this year the Heritage Canada … Continue reading Letting go of built heritage

Finding Wonder in Natural Heritage

The fourth #reverb10 prompt is: Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year?In the past year I have renewed my appreciation for Canada's natural heritage and beauty. In the past I have often over looked natural heritage for more man made history. A few of the natural heritage sites … Continue reading Finding Wonder in Natural Heritage