Houseplants and Care

Houseplants with a typewritter

I love my outdoor veggie and flower gardens and have been an avid outdoor gardener for years. It wasn't until the COVID-19 pandemic hit that I realized I also love houseplants. Since March my houseplant collection has grown from a few plants I was given as gifts, to a sprawling set of plants that is … Continue reading Houseplants and Care

Historical Reminiscents Podcast EP 71: Making Space Between Work And Home

Left side has scrabble piece reading work from home right side has podcast episode title

In today's episode I'm chatting about boundaries between work and home life and the struggle to maintain those boundaries during the pandemic. I talk about my home office, strategies for disconnecting and challenges of the work at home life. Mentioned in this episode: - Wladislaw Rivkin, Working from home? Why detachment is crucial for mental … Continue reading Historical Reminiscents Podcast EP 71: Making Space Between Work And Home